Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What makes a better engineer? Making few mistakes or admiting the mistakes that are made?

We all make mistakes. Which would you consider to be the ';better engineer';: one who makes many mistakes and admits them or one who makes only a few mistakes and doesn't admit them?

How would you draw the line between simply making too many mistakes and making an acceptable number of mistakes?What makes a better engineer? Making few mistakes or admiting the mistakes that are made?
The best engineer is the one who realises his mistakes (making as a few as possible) and fixs them, he can own up to his mistakes once they are fixed or if he is unable to fix themWhat makes a better engineer? Making few mistakes or admiting the mistakes that are made?
As an Engineer I take it as follows

1) Being Humans one is susceptible to errors and omissions,

2)but to recheck and recheck again,

3)Get verified through other reliable/trustworthy colleagues

4)Give Extra attention and extreme importance where the possible outcomes may affect a large group of humans;even that might be you yourself.

5)We must and should be extremely responsible professionally;as this the real Humane approach,too much covering up and hiding is negative and I consider Inhumane approach.

5)Sense of ownership and belonging and Accountability in this World(possibly) and Accountability in 'Life in Hereafter'(Definite if escaped in this world) should guide and drive us.

Best Regards

Don't bother about the mistakes (that are not willingly done). Engineering is the culmination of the knowledge acquired till that time. New mistake refines your methodology, you actually learn. If you don't know the setting for sure, start of with an arbitrary setting that in your opinion is the best fit. Measure the error then. This, you feed back to refine the setting or measurement. But it is important to get at the error margin with the tolerance permissible. Engineering is about finite things and tolerances are inherent. No feedback mechanism works if the error is 'zero' all the time.
Both are needed. B/c if you make too many mistakes then nothing gets accomplished. But many times, new inventions and ideas come from a mistake.

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